Home Visits and Government Programs
Unable to visit us at a clinic? Not to worry Rosewell Clinics Podiatry team services Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, Innerwest, Greater Western Sydney and Southern Sydney districts.

The Department of Veterans Affairs
At Rosewell Clinics, we proudly take care of our veterans and provide physical therapy, biomechanical assessments, footwear modification and prescription, as well as most of our other services to clients including routine care, covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Prior to your consult, you will need a current DVA referral (D904) from your General Practitioner to see one of our podiatrist (a DVA referral from your GP is valid for 1 year and can be renewed annually). The referral can be emailed or brought into the clinic or your treatment cannot be claimed and full payment will need to be made. Contact us today and enquire about our DVA program today.

At Rosewell Clinics we will also take care of you if you have been referred by your General Practitioner under the Complex Disease Management Plan (CDMP) or the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC ). If you have a current and valid care plan in place, you are entitled to receive a rebate from Medicare for up to 5 visits per calendar year to Allied Health Professionals. This rebate is approximately equivalent to $54.60 (It is more if you have reached the safety net). If all allocated visits are notused within one calendar year, the visits can roll over and still be valid the following year. If you feel that you may be eligible to receive benefits under the Medicare scheme, please consult with your GP or Medicare. Contact us today and enquire about our Medicare program today.